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Life has it's highs and lows. Embrace it. Live It. Push through. Find the Joy, the Laughter, the Smiles. The little things are the things that bring the most joy. New Life Rises From The Ashes. ~ <3 ~

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring is Just About Here

Spring is just about here

New Life

New opportunities for change

A perfect time to discover yourself

Discover new things in life

Time to grow


Time to shine

Its not over

Its beginning

Season are sweet

All with their own good and bad

But they all have a constant

They have have their own beauty

They all have a life of their own

Spring is the time to discover and grow

Summer is the time to be silly, have fun, and connect in relationships

Fall is the time to relax, and enjoy some change

Winter has its uniqueness (well they all do) but winter brings crazy, and lazy all in one.

This is life


Its what we live in

What we live for

Constant beauty in everything

But sometimes we miss it

We miss the beauty and only see the ugly

Look past it

Find the things that make it all work

Make you happy

Make you...

Well you

Season come

Seasons go

Life happens all around

And sometimes we miss it

Don't miss it

Embrace it

Live it

Discover it all

1 comment:

rufers54 said...

Truly, there is no such thing as new life. All of life is just a continuation of what God originally made. Each of our lives is part of those that came before. Can't get away from that. Spring bring forth new bloom. Beauty abounds. Every thing is fresh. Take it deep into your soul. Transformation in each season. Bring on transformation, dear Lord, for your glory.