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Life has it's highs and lows. Embrace it. Live It. Push through. Find the Joy, the Laughter, the Smiles. The little things are the things that bring the most joy. New Life Rises From The Ashes. ~ <3 ~

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I got really really into my Bible reading last night. Started reading Luke, dont know why I havent read it before, so thats where I ended up reading from. I got super into it that I was up till like 130 or so (granted I started at 1130 or so.)
But just reading it, it amazed me. One thing that we have all heard before, but really hit me in my reading was, no matter how many times people saw Christ cure the sick, blind, demon possessed, even the raised the DEAD!!!! People kept asking who is this man that says he can do amazing things. We just kept doubting. And it also came to me that we are like that. God can bless us with so much, and do so much for us, but one bad thing happens in our life that we question God why. We doubt, we are men and women of little faith in those rough times. So why, why do we question God al the time, how many times does he have to prove to us that he is in power, he has everyhting under control, we dont need to worry and stress. God shouldnt have to prove himself to us, we should just know and believe, and trust. He is an Almighty God, who LOVES us so much that he sent his son to die for us... how is that even fair??? Jesus isn't about fair, hes about loving us and protecting us. We are his children.
So it it my goal, for whenever I want to say "Why" I want to say "Thanks for being in control." Will you do the same??? Its my prayer for everyone and myself to come to the complete understanding that we dont need to ask why, we just need to trust.

Here are some verses that cought my attention:

Luke 1 : 37
Luke 1 : 46-51
Luke 1 : 68-79
Luke 3 : 9
Luke 4 : 8
Luke 4 : 12
Luke 5 : 31-32
Luke 6 : 9
Luke 6 : 27-38
Luke 6 : 45
Luke 7 : 11-15
Luke 9 : 23 & 25
Luke 9 : 44-45
Luke 9 : 50
Luke 10 : 16-20
Luke 11 : 23

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