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Life has it's highs and lows. Embrace it. Live It. Push through. Find the Joy, the Laughter, the Smiles. The little things are the things that bring the most joy. New Life Rises From The Ashes. ~ <3 ~

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Craziness of life

My life has become very very crazy. I feel so twisted and pulled. I do so much that I don't have time to settle down, think, let God work through me. I work so much, because I have the mind set of I need the money cause of Poland. And I don't allow myself to have time to do my homework, which I Really need to get done, and I cant put it off, I will just cause myself more problems if I do that.
Plus today, at church they talked about serving, which I do...practically every week. I'm getting worn out. And I know that is no excuse to stop serving, which its not that I want to STOP, I just need a break. Which the other day I email Dan K, and Angie, who does the tech team schedule, and just asked for a month off. I love serving, I love helping, I just get stressed and worn out, especially since I am one of the people on the team that is willing to say yes to week after week of serving. But yeah. So as Pastor Guy was talking I started to feel guilty about asking for time off. Then at youth group, we talked about taking time for God, stepping back from everything in our lives, and letting God speak to us. Which then made me feel like well what am I suppose to do, take the break that I asked for and seem that I really need, even though the tech team is the last thing causing me to be stressed and busy. Or do I keep serving, because it is what us Christ followers are suppose to be doing.
Then as I was thinking, Jackie asked me on Friday to watch kids for a meeting on Monday night, I said yeah I can do that. But in my head I thought I really shouldn't. I have way to much to do, and no time to do it. BUT to late now. But I just can't say no to things like people asking me to serve or watch kids. It is just a part of who I am. I hate making people be in a bind for finding someone else.
I just need to figure out what I can step back from. But I just don't know!!! Plus I seem to just be adding more and more on to my plate as I try to figure out what to step away from.

On a side note, from my last post, I have been ding a great job of getting into my Bible everyday, and getting in my Jesus time :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

beth there is nothing wrong with taking a break! If you dont take one you will become burnt out and want nothing to do with it! So take the hint that your mind and body are telling you to do and take a break! Jesus is telling you! If you are in His word lately and now all of a suddan you are finding yourself in need of a break, maybe that is Him telling you it is ok to take one. Beth by taking a break you are not saying you are done with ministry all together, but needing some me time to refocus as to why you are serving. You are serving because God called you to do it and gave you your talents. God does not want you to serve out of guilt. Keep praying about it, He will guide you!