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Life has it's highs and lows. Embrace it. Live It. Push through. Find the Joy, the Laughter, the Smiles. The little things are the things that bring the most joy. New Life Rises From The Ashes. ~ <3 ~

Monday, March 9, 2009

I think I have become immune to crying and really feeling God working in me at retreats, or weekend get away things for church. I don't know if it is because I would always end up crying at everything in middle school and beginning of high school. Or what. But I came out of this weekend felling like nothing impacted my life. I mean there were a few things I could relate to from the speaker, but nothing life changing. In fact I came home Sunday feeling really weird. Kinda empty. But its not like I have doubted God or strayed from God. If anything my knowledge, and stuff of HIM is better then ever. I don't know if it was Satan trying to attack me, or if I truly didn't get anything out of the weekend. I had a blast. But there were so many ladies who broke down, because God has impacted them in some way.
I learned new things , that I plan to take in effect in my life, but yeah.

I don't know. Its just something that I noticed.


1 comment:

Sarah said...

its ok to feel like that. As you grow in your walk with Christ there will be things that dont affect you as deeply as others. You dont know where they are with Christ and why it was convicting to them. But dont go away thinking you got nothing out of it. You said you came home with some things to change. Were they convicting no, but they were somethings you wanted to change. Sometimes retreats are there just to encourage us, not to convict us. If you think about it, would God want every meeting with Him to be convicting to you. NO who would want to put their faith in him then. It is a balance thing. We as humans need encouragement. So dont think of yourself as not sensitive to God or immune to crying(trust me that doesnt happen too well). Look at it like you have nothing major in your life that God is disagreeing with. You said it yourself you are more knowledged then ever! You know what you are to be doing and are doing it. Dont be bummed, thats not what God wants, he wants you to be encouraged! He loves you too!