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Life has it's highs and lows. Embrace it. Live It. Push through. Find the Joy, the Laughter, the Smiles. The little things are the things that bring the most joy. New Life Rises From The Ashes. ~ <3 ~

Monday, November 29, 2010

See It

If you could portray the world as you wanted. Color it the way you saw it.
How would it look.
What would be specific, and special?
What part of it would make it you? How would you leave your mark?
How would you want others to see what you see?
How would the world look if we all took our piece, our view, and our mark on the world, put them together.
Just picture, if everyones something special was taken and put together...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Nice job. Beautiful images/thoughts.