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Life has it's highs and lows. Embrace it. Live It. Push through. Find the Joy, the Laughter, the Smiles. The little things are the things that bring the most joy. New Life Rises From The Ashes. ~ <3 ~

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Forgive and...

So we have always been told to forgive and forget right. But still learn from the experience. Well what if you forgive, but still make joke of it, is it really bitterness and anger coming out? In my cause I think it is. I can forgive, but I then turn around and make a joke out of it to everyone else other then the person I forgave. I avoid the situation.

I have been told by someone that I have bad influences in my life....UM WHAT???? yeah, well I apparently make bad choices, spend to much time with people that are causing me to stumble... so on. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so flippin' funny is what I have come to decide.
First off, everyone makes a few bad choices in their life. We live and we learn, we seek God for wisdom, direction, and forgiveness when we make a stupid choice. My stupid choice, God has forgiven, most people have forgiven me (most of the people that really matter.)
Second ummm ok, I spend most of my time these days working. My friends ARE NOT bad influences. They are the one's who keep me in check with how I am doing with my walk with the Lord. I have one person who is meeting with me once a week, studying with me, another person (actually even 2) who is asking some of the hard questions that I need to be asked, so I can get all the junk I have shoved away out. If these are bad influences then hmmm I'm not sure what I should do.

This has been all one big ball of crazy, I have been told a few times that I really need to start looking at this one friendship in particular, look at how the person makes me feel, how they treat me, etc. I can't keep getting hurt, and getting in low spots because of this person.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

beth we need to talk about this subject :p