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Life has it's highs and lows. Embrace it. Live It. Push through. Find the Joy, the Laughter, the Smiles. The little things are the things that bring the most joy. New Life Rises From The Ashes. ~ <3 ~

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Everyone needs to feel special. Everyone has to have a purpose, a reason for being, a significance to others.

Me; this week has brought a lot of question to all that. What makes me special, what in tarnations could my purpose even be close to, do I even have meaning and significance in other peoples lives? Really truly, do I?

What have I done for anyone? I really am just a pain in the butt.

Ugh I hate being in this low place... Why do I get here?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Beth, know that you are not alone in these thoughts. I am right there with you. All I know to tell you is that we lack self esteem. When we compare ourselves to others and when we measure ourselves and accomplishments to them we will always fall and fail. When we look to God to see where he wants us we start to gain that confidence. I am saying this not because I have masttered it, but more because I need to remind myself that's where I need to be. If you continue to believe the lie that you're a pain in the butt, you will always feel that way. My lie that I believe is: I'm not a good mom. Now I know that ryan and others don't think that. I know that the kids don't think that, but i have a perfect picture of what I think I should look like and I don't fit that so I feel like a failure. Beth I love you and I don't think you are a pain in the butt. Now is the time we start believing in ourselves and not worrying about it.(Easier said than done) Now is the time we become tender to God and try to hear what He has to say to us. I don't know the answer to tell you, but I am right here with you and I am working on this matter myself. I love you Beth if anything please leave reading this knowing that I love you, I am sooo very glad that I know you and am able to call you my friend(other half of brain~my teenage daughter~Dash's bethfriend). I love you very much!